Up bobongo pressphoto » 2009-04-16b Prev Next Slideshow

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P3 Lodja's Bayley bridge seen from the river. So far so good but the kayak is unstable because of all the weight on top.
P4  Strong current. Fallen trees and too much luggage. Shit happens after 5 km's.
P5 We were able to free ourselves oput of this situation with machetes. The boat was too heavy.
P6 Pumping the water out of the boat. Local fishermen came to our rescue.
P7 Wet wet wet ! All our official papers got soacked as did the cash, my passport and my Thuraya phone. One of our Pelicases le
  P9 Reception commitee in village at approx. 10 km's out of Lodja..jpg  
P12 Our new guide and luggage transporter. His name is Bora and he knows this fucking river well.
P12 Our new guide and luggage transporter Bora guiding us on the river. We can fight the river in a more hoounest way now.
P14 Bora , our guide and angel in this hot and dark part of the Congo.
P18 Batetela village where we spend the night
P20 Our Excursion kayak fraternising once again with Congolese pirogues.

P9 Reception commitee in village at approx. 10 km's out of Lodja. Download
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